From our 20+ years of experience with the amazing African continent we have personally selected eight featured destinations for you to visit. Although there are many more regions to consider, these eight destinations in Africa happen to be our favourites. We can give you 31 reasons why you should consider visiting just one or all of these eight destinations.
Travelling through southern Africa all the way north to east Africa there are amazing sights to be seen and magical experiences to be had. Each destination differs and offers highlights both unique and compelling from the vast open savanna plains to spectacular mountains, vast rivers and lakes, tranquil waterways, desolate deserts and dunes, and of course the ever smiling faces of the local people and the warm welcome you will encounter. However most of the destinations share a common bond, and one of the prime reasons for many people to travel there – the search for the unique African wildlife.
Even though we have selected our personal favourites, you may have an alternative African destination you wish to visit, such as Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda and Madagascar, further north to the different cultures of Egypt and Morocco, or even Oman on the Arabian Peninsula. Magical Oman is certainly another personal favourite even though it is not on the African continent, but with its strong historical ties to Zanzibar and the Swahili coast of East Africa, it’s the perfect fit and easily accessible.
Talk to us as we are more than happy to make the arrangements for you for either your first time trip to Africa, or your return adventure.
For some, Africa may not be on the priority list of destinations right now, however we can assure you that after going, and experiencing those life-changing moments as we have, you will want to return … many always do!